Legal Notices

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Legal Notices
Organization and Contact
Haagen & Møller is organized as a limited partnership company registered with the Danish Business Authority under registration number 44153661.

The firm has its offices at Sankt Annæ Plads 11, st.1250 Copenhagen K, and can be contacted at phone number +45 40 32 55 60 or email address
Regulatory Information
The lawyers working for Haagen & Møller are authorized by the Department of Civil Affairs of the Danish Ministry of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society. 

The firm’s lawyers are subject to the supervisory and disciplinary system of the Danish Bar and Law Society as well as the professional conduct rules provided by section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. The General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society has adopted a Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, which applies to the firm’s lawyers. 

The special rules applicable to the practice of law in Denmark are available at the Danish Bar and Law Society’s website,
Professional Liability Insurance
Haagen & Møller carries professional liability insurance and has procured a guarantee in accordance with the rules provided by the Danish Bar and Law Society. The professional liability insurance extends to our legal practice wherever it is conducted. 

The firm’s insurer and guarantor is HDI Global Specialty, branch of HDI Global Specialty SE, Germany, Langebrogade 3F, 1411 Copenhagen K.
Standard Terms of Business
Haagen & Møller’s standard terms of business apply to all services provided by the firm, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the firm and the client. The firm’s standard terms of business are available here.
The Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society is competent to deal with complaints about the conduct or fees of Haagen & Møller.

The Disciplinary Board’s physical address is Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark, and its web address is
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Any dispute regarding our services is subject to Danish law and shall be resolved by the Danish courts, as set out in the firm’s standard terms of business.
© 2023 Haagen & Møller Advokatpartnerselskab